Monthly Archives: December 2021

Waiting for Fabric

I had a wonderful Christmas holiday and am now settling into wrapping up projects for 2021. Currently working on an adorable heavy equipment quilt. I have machine appliqued all the blocks but am waiting for the setting fabric to arrive from Missouri Star.

So…. while I wait I did finish 2 more online classes from Angela Walters. Got to the last class in the series and decided yes, I would like that ruler. I have ordered it and am now waiting for that to also arrive. Seems like a lot of waiting going on around here. I recognize that I need more patience while learning ruler work and need to slow down a bit. With this piece being a tutorial/practice I’ve allowed myself mistakes and learning curve.

The good news is my wandering yellow kitty has returned home after being gone almost 2 weeks this time. He has gone on walkabout a couple of times before. I’m starting to believe he is leading a double life. He was hungry when he arrived but he did not look as if he had missed too many meals over that 2 week period. Really confused as to where he goes. I’ve thought about putting a little webcam on him just to check out his adventures. I live in the country and neighbors are just not that close. Funny thing when I noticed he was back home, I was outside putting out cat food, as I have other indoor/outdoor kitties, and I heard a faint mew. I thought it was Junior my senior kitty as he was walking towards the porch but it wasn’t. I heard a mew again and looked around there was my yellow Buttercup being tentative about his homecoming. Once he saw I had noticed him he went into full, “Honey I’m Home” mode, running onto the porch, talking like crazy and rubbing against my legs, knowing full well I’m putting out food. I got to thinking his behavior is a lot like other males of other species, go off, come back sheepish, wanting forgiveness, wanting to be loved on and fed then will go off again. I think Garth Brooks writes songs about that behavior. Anyway the wanderer is temporarily home again. He’s a cutie.

I have my list put together for my quilting goals of 2022. For the first time EVER I am trying to be realistic about what I might be able to accomplish. Feeling excited about the prospect of actually accomplishing everything on the list for once.

  1. Stars Upon Stars by Edyta Sitar
  2. Afternoon Delight by Sue Garman
  3. Pickle Dish pattern, a challenge with curved piecing and paper pieced segments
  4. Golden Days by Jen Kingwell
  5. Savannah Quilt
  6. Finish Moda Blockheads 3 quilt
  7. A couple of holiday themed table runners
  8. My second machine quilting challenge with Angela Walters
  9. Machine quilting project with videos of Judi Madsen
  10. Bind Baltimore Album quilt once it gets back from quilter.
  11. Make new lined drapes for living room (haha waiting for lining fabric from Hancock’s of Paducah)

Plus quilting them all myself since I have my new Bernina Q16. I am realizing how much I enjoy quilting on my Q16. I wish I was more accomplished, but working on that skillset.

Happy New Year to Everyone, be safe and healthy.

Happy Stitches


December 19, 2021 Small Projects

Looking back on 2021 I have actually accomplished more than just finishing my Friends of Baltimore quilt. It’s surprising to realize just how many other projects were completed and gifted. But, I’m still scrambling trying to wrap up a few things that were on my list and am not quite sure that I will be able to complete by January when I will begin on my list for 2022. I’m giving it my best shot.

Yesterday I got to spend time with my friend Christine and helped her sew on her binding on the quilt she made to gift her step-daughter. It’s a beautiful purple/lavender quilt and Christine did a fabulous job.

Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent – Peace. Isn’t that what we wish for everyday.

I have started on my great nephew’s “I love Dirt” quilt. ? What one year old doesn’t love trucks? I will be machine appliqueing it as I busted my finger and it’s too painful to do much handwork at this time. I took a trip into our local quilt shop, Buckles, Bobbins and Bolts in Lebanon, MO to pick up some fun bright fat quarters to use in this quilt and imagine my surprise to find heavy machinery printed fabric perfect for the backing on this quilt. Oooh Oooh I exclaimed, I need that! So happy to be able to shop locally.

Grader for I love Dirt quilt

I was able to make a table runner as a gift. I challenged myself with this idea and next time I’ll put more thinking into the design so I don’t have to work in 16th of an inch segments. 3 does not go into 10 very easily nor does it make for easy block construction. I was able to accomplish it and the result was great. I hope she likes it. I used some of my collection of Debbie Mumm Christmas fabrics. I am really pleased with the outcome.

Yesterday I had a delightful package in the mail from Homestead Hearth where I am active in their BOM of Edyta Sitar’s Stars Upon Stars quilt. Let’s just say I was current on that project, now I find myself trying to squeeze it in between projects I’m working. Life is always fun if not challenging. But the fabrics are great and I will enjoy putting them together mixing and matching with fabrics from previous installments as well as pulling from my own stash. Oh What Fun! Yummy Fabrics. Eye Candy!

All my gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Last minute baking is planned for this afternoon. All is ready in my home for friends and family. Wishing everyone a Blessed and Happy Christmas. Here is a photo that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

With Visions of Treats I wait under the Tree for Santa.

Merry Christmas


Stars Upon Stars

What? No Applique? What am I thinking taking my road less traveled. I have to admit I am a bit rusty with my piecing skills. I have been making LeMoyne Stars and have been struggling because of one tiny mistake of pressing one seam in the wrong direction. All these years of sewing and still capable of making beginner mistakes. It took me awhile but I finally figured out what I was doing incorrectly and now have nice flat 4″ LeMoyne Stars. Whew disaster averted. Once this block is completed I will have finished the assigned amount of work for this month. I am toying with the idea of completing another round to get ahead. I guess that would put me in an overachiever status. I’m okay with that. This pattern is certainly challenging. It’s visually very busy, perfect for scrappy look. I do have a bit of a problem choosing the fabrics for the pieced star segment. I am just not able to visualize the end result. But once chosen it is what it is as I AM NOT ripping it out and choosing something else.

I did finish my friend’s quilt and delivered it. She was very pleased with it. I too was very pleased with my quilting. I challenged myself beyond what I was comfortable and expanded my skillset.

Scooter, one of my kitties, is totally obsessed with my Christmas tree so I got her a snuggle bed and put under the tree. Proved to be a winner. She loved it.

Have a wonderful day and happy stitching.


Sewn Up



Sharing the joy of quilt-making

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter From Texas

I love to share my Quilting projects with other Quilters. My goal is to share my progress on projects that I am working on. I would love for you to follow along with me during my endeavors. I hope you enjoy watching me tackle new techniques and projects. Hopefully you can learn from my "hiccups" and mistakes and make your journey easier.

Quilts By Lucinda

I rescue, rehab, reuse or re-home old and vintage quilts.

Storied Quilts

There's a story for every quilt and there's a quilt for every story.

One Creative Family

so many crafts so little time

The Lilac Cat

Quilting and sewing

Molly Motor On The Road

Two dogs and a Toyota Mini Cruiser

The quilter on the hill

Quilts make me Happy! Do what makes you Happy!


My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Stitching Impressions

All aspects of longarm quilting

Texas Quilting

- Quilting in the Lone Star State


This is the blog site for Gladi Porsche's Quilts

Esther's Design Blog

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Krista Withers Quilting

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

A Passion for Applique

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

LucyAnn &Luna craft

crafting,dachshunds including other bits & bobs

Glorious Applique

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Ruthie quilts! And quilts...

Just another weblog