Monthly Archives: December 2017

Time. Where Does It Go?

Here I am closing in on another year and as always I reflect on what I have accomplished.  I set goals every year. Yes, I’m a nerd, but it works for me.  Otherwise I would procrastinate.  And yes, I have my List for 2018 prepared.

Out of curiosity I went through my photos trying to figure out when I actually started on A Boy and A Girl.   Interestingly, I began it on 12/7/15.  Two years ago.  Time, where did it go?  Yes, I fit in many other projects along the way.  I have completed 8 quilts this year alone. 003 But, two years.  Wow!  I have been diligently working on the borders but when I realized it has taken me 2 years to get this far the decision has been made to put aside the other items on the List for now and  the push is on.  I want it finished.  I have  a Baltimore Album quilt in my future so I have to get this one completed.  Sadly,  my fingers can only sew so fast.  Also, I have to get up and move around periodically or I get stiff.


I have finished appliqueing the right border.  I am currently working on the left.  Then the top will be completed.  The bottom has yet to be prepped.  I am hoping for February 1 completion date.  Much work to be done.  Time.  Give me more time!

The holidays have finished and I hope everyone had a wonderful time spent with family and friends.  I know I did.  My sister gave me many wonderful gifts for Christmas.  Among them were a set of my favorite bath towels and a new tv for my sewing room.  I am surely blessed. And my friend Sheila presented me with a ceramic Santa that she painted with kitties all over it.  It is beautiful!  I love it.  Santa is even holding a black kitty.  I once had a solid black Persian named Ivan the Terrible.  That was many, many years ago. But he is still in my heart.


TIME to get back to my border.  Have a wonderful year and be safe.

Happy Stitches


Sewn Up



Sharing the joy of quilt-making

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter From Texas

I love to share my Quilting projects with other Quilters. My goal is to share my progress on projects that I am working on. I would love for you to follow along with me during my endeavors. I hope you enjoy watching me tackle new techniques and projects. Hopefully you can learn from my "hiccups" and mistakes and make your journey easier.

Quilts By Lucinda

I rescue, rehab, reuse or re-home old and vintage quilts.

Storied Quilts

There's a story for every quilt and there's a quilt for every story.

One Creative Family

so many crafts so little time

The Lilac Cat

Quilting and sewing

Molly Motor On The Road

Two dogs and a Toyota Mini Cruiser

The quilter on the hill

Quilts make me Happy! Do what makes you Happy!


My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Stitching Impressions

All aspects of longarm quilting

Texas Quilting

- Quilting in the Lone Star State


This is the blog site for Gladi Porsche's Quilts

Esther's Design Blog

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Krista Withers Quilting

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

A Passion for Applique

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

LucyAnn &Luna craft

crafting,dachshunds including other bits & bobs

Glorious Applique

My UFO Adventure 12 Months 12 Projects

Ruthie quilts! And quilts...

Just another weblog